March 20, 2025 Due to a water main repair on Basin Harbor Rd in Bridport some customers in this area may experience low pressure and/or no water. The Tri-Town Water Crew is working on resolving the issues as quickly as possible. Please NOTE: after a water outage you may experience some brown/dirty and/or airy water please let run for a few minutes to clear. It is best to wait on doing any laundry (especially whites) until you are sure all water is clear. These issues are unexpected & out of our control and we want to thank you for your patience. If you have any other problems and/or questions please let us know. Tri-Town Water District No. 1 Emergency Pager # 802-290-6655 ******************************************* NOTIFICATIONS: To view the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report please visit our REFERENCE page for more information ~or~ to request a mailed or emailed copy: please call or email the office at 802-758-2202--- tritownwater@gmavt.net Thank you. ************************************************* TAP-ON PROCEDURES For more information visit our REFERENCE page. To request a mailed or emailed copy: Please call or email the office: 802-758-2202 --- tritownwater@gmavt.net Thank you. *************************************************
If you are experiencing a service disruption NOT indicated here please call: 802-758-2202 (office) 802-759-2115 (plant) 802-290-6655 (pager)
NOTICE TO ALL TRI-TOWN CUSTOMERS: To receive email or text message NOTICES regarding issues affecting your Tri-Town Water, please update your email and text messaging contact information by following the "Customer Messaging" link below.              Thank you.